
Blue Posts: 5.0 talent tree entertainment degree is more suitable for all players

Since the carnival last year, Blizzard announced a new professional talent trees in 5.0 film, the controversy around it has never ceased. In a recent blue post Blizzard designers will point wow gold talent and non-essential point talent for the players a detailed answer, claiming that the 5.0 talent trees will be more fun ". The following is the text of the blue posts.

Q: My question is that of MoP only 6 "layers" of talent, then the other talent in the game in the end how? They become active or passive skills can learn from the trainer, or directly removed from the game?
A: To some extent, both. To facilitate understanding, we first present the talent is divided into five categories:
One must point;
Cool, but not must point;
3, relatively cool;
4, boredom;
5, no.
We will all "must point talent directly 
buy Diablo 3 gold into your career specialization system, you'll automatically learned at a particular level of talent, just like the rest of your career core skills. This year will skip that we must point talent - players such as anger hit Hot Streak - is unlikely wow gold to be deliberately so the point (and there may be intentional), and this is what we do not want to to see. We want players to experience the full capacity of their chosen career, so we encourage Fixed talent points.

The second class talent - cool, but not must that - is the real core of the new talent system (they may be the gift of you in the future from this new layer selected). You may be happy to have talent A talent B and talent C also is a very attractive option, in the end, you should choose a 
wow gold talent, and under what circumstances should choose which one of these will be very interesting choice . The third class talent is still pretty cool, but their appeal is inferior to other talent. These talents can be turned into a good Glyph.

For example, an early version of the the MoP warrior talent tree, reckless interrupted (Note: successfully interrupted after the increased damage) had the talent, but we think it can apply to the 
wow gold case than any other talent, too little , so we could make it into a Glyph. Such talent is boring talent - is the kind of to reduce the cooldown time or talent to increase skill damage. In general, we will gift the effect of directly integrated into the corresponding skills. Do you sometimes think the talent in the end point which, while some other players will conduct a series of complex mathematical operations to answer such questions Buy Guild Wars 2 Gold

